Friday, 11 April 2014


 It's Lamb Cake time! 

The origins of the Easter lamb cake are unclear, but it is known that the custom of using this type of cake either on Easter Sunday or Good Friday began in Europe at least 100 years ago.

Traditionally, this cake is in the shape of a lamb lying down, which is meant to symbolize the Lamb of God, another name for Jesus Christ.


200 g     sugar    
180g      flour
4           eggs
4sp       hot water
1          vanilla


  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C
  2. Mix yolks, hot water and sugar using an electric whisk.
  3. Add flour and vanilla.
  4. Beat the egg white until thoroughly stiff.
  5. Mix the dough and the egg white gently.
  6. Then pour the dough into the pan and place it in the oven till golden brown (40-50 min)